Browse various GitHub profiles that feature creative and well-designed README files. This can provide inspiration for your own profile, you can view their profile by clicking their block, and make sure to leave a star for their readme. Note down few of the elements you like in their profile. You can even use our compare option to compare profiles.
Scroll into see how to get most out of this website
Follow the step by step guide to explore more about GitHub.

Now it's your time to build something from the inspiration you got it. Try learning the basic of the github from here. This includes presise summary of the github learning path from beginner to advanced. Make sure you build an awsome reademe profile by now.

Submit your GitHub profile to be listed on the website by clicking on "Add Your Profile". Follow the provided guidelines to ensure your profile meets the submission criteria.

Click on "Join the Organization" to become part of the community. This allows you to contribute and engage with others. Get Involved in an inclusive and diverse community. You will enable some github profile features by doing so.

This is the place where you can optimize your profile by referring to the video we have created, learning goes to live 1:1 sessions over here: Feel free to explore the new horizon of this area. Check it out

Now it's time to earn more GitHub badges by referring to this page, it's quite an easy and long consistent process. Explore this section: Github-Badges

Book a consultation with me to explore more about GitHub and how to unlock future potential with the GitHub profile you created.